Ayer pasé unas horas fotografiando y pajareando en Brazo del Este (Sevilla). Un montón de aves pero pocas ocasiones fotográficas a pesar de que había una luz realmente buena. Por suerte, me traje un puñado de fotos que me gustan de cigüeñuela, cangrejera y... libelulas. Sí, ya se que no son pájaros, pero de vez en cuando también hago fotos de cosas que no son aves.... :-) Ni que decir tiene que me encanta la imagen de la garcilla cangrejera (Ardeola ralloides) sin cabeza porque la luz es simplemente fantástica ;-)
Yesterday I spent the evening in Brazo del Este (Sevilla) birding and photographing during a couple of hours. A lot of birds but very few real oportunities for photography. Too bad, because the light was relly nice. Fortunatelly I returned home with a bunch od keepers of stilt, squaccos and dragonflies... yes, I know that they are not birds but, from time to time, I do some non-birds photography too... :-) Needless to say that I love the image of the squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides) with no head because the light is just amazing ;-)
Yesterday I spent the evening in Brazo del Este (Sevilla) birding and photographing during a couple of hours. A lot of birds but very few real oportunities for photography. Too bad, because the light was relly nice. Fortunatelly I returned home with a bunch od keepers of stilt, squaccos and dragonflies... yes, I know that they are not birds but, from time to time, I do some non-birds photography too... :-) Needless to say that I love the image of the squacco heron (Ardeola ralloides) with no head because the light is just amazing ;-)