I have been really busy at the office since early september. No free time for going to photograph birds, not enought time for participation in my favorite forum (www.birdphotographers.net) and, and that is a very clear evidence of how much busy I am, no time for a single entry in my blog excepting the couple of B&W portraits that I posted in october. I really need things return to normality very soon because I miss to handhold my lens and to track a fast bird flying. Diving in the files of my hard drive I have found this image, a heavy crop of about 6Mp and not the sharpest image I have ever done but I love it. I like a lot the empty space, white space, around the bird. The misty like mood of the scene and the, almost surrealistic, background at the right of the frame. It looks a kind of magic. Pherhaps someone could think that this is a strongly photoshoped image but it is not Sure I have spend about an hour playing with it on photoshop but that time is just the result of enjoying the processing of an image. Cropping for composition, levels adjustment (mostly on the bird but not on the BG), color balance in the background and sharpening. I love the balance between the turquoise blue and the warm right side of the composition. Blues and yellows works really well when they are put togheter. :-)