La primavera ha llegado. Las marismas de Doñana están rebosantes de agua y de vida. las aves están construyendo nidos, buscando pareja y cortejándose. Somormujos, zampullines, fochas, moritos, cernícalos, aguiluchos, garzas, garcetas, flamencos y muchas más especies. Un día soberbio con una luz espléndida. Un montón de oportunidades y diversión para un pajarero como yo. Esta cernicalita (Falco tinnunculus) se mostró muy cooperativa y me permitió fotografiarla durante un buen rato a muy corta distancia y eso no es normal por aquí! Hubiera preferido un posadero más natural pero este tipo de postes de granito y alambrada son casi parte del paisaje así que, eso es lo que hay.
Nikon D2X AFS Nikkor 500VR + 1,4XTC, a pulso desde el coche, 1/1000s, f5,6, ISO 320 exposición manual
The spring is on the air. The marshlands of Doñana are flooded with water and life. Birds are building their nest, looking for mates and beginning the courtship. Lots of coots, grebes, glossy ibises, kestrels, harriers, herons, egrets, flamingos and many more species. A superb spring day with an amazingly nice, soft light. Plenty of shooting opportunities and a lot of fun for a birder like myself. This kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) was very cooperative, allowing me to photograph her during a lot of time and at a very short distance. That is not a common behavior for birds in the south of Spain! I would prefer a more natural looking perch but this kind of granite post in wired fences are almost second nature for birds in Spain.
Nikon D2X AFS Nikkor 500VR + 1,4XTC, handheld from car, 1/1000s f5,6 ISO 320 Manual exposureNikon D2X AFS Nikkor 500VR + 1,4XTC, a pulso desde el coche, 1/1000s, f5,6, ISO 320 exposición manual
The spring is on the air. The marshlands of Doñana are flooded with water and life. Birds are building their nest, looking for mates and beginning the courtship. Lots of coots, grebes, glossy ibises, kestrels, harriers, herons, egrets, flamingos and many more species. A superb spring day with an amazingly nice, soft light. Plenty of shooting opportunities and a lot of fun for a birder like myself. This kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) was very cooperative, allowing me to photograph her during a lot of time and at a very short distance. That is not a common behavior for birds in the south of Spain! I would prefer a more natural looking perch but this kind of granite post in wired fences are almost second nature for birds in Spain.
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